Wednesday, October 21, 2009


For me this technology class is very fun and helps me get better at my computer hand writing and makes me feel good to know that I'm getting better at my computer skills. Also I don't have eny trouble on my work that I do in this class, I don't have eny problems on my work of course if I don't pay eny attention then I would need some help. The res is sometimes that I can get frustrated,and its when I don't pay attention and have to ask someone for help. Sometimes I get frustrated because the teacher talks to fast and when I'm doing something the class is in a norther step.But besides that I have a pretty good understanding of what I have to do and what work I need work on . The teacher could help me by slowing down when she is explaining us the instructions and helping me more on focusing on what I have to do andnot to blur out in my own little world,and to end my story Miss .Miller is a wonderful teacher and hope tobe with her till the end of the year.


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