Monday, October 24, 2011

Playing to learn

From the game reviews that I took I can say that all the games that were created were meant fully evolved to the idea that they should be the best that they can be and all that hard work did pay of because look at were these games are know, it is amazing and enjoyable to play theses games that were made with such an incredible potential.Well the features in the games were really impressive as well fun to play, all the features in the games were awesome even though they did need work such as graphic design and information on how to be playing the game but overall the features in the games were out of this world truly magical, and one of the features in the game is a feature in which you draw a line to get to the other side in the game Magic game.

*Is my game interesting to the 21st century children around the world?

*Is an Animal saving genre game a important social issue or not very taken care of?

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