Monday, September 23, 2013

Course Overview

I am excited about many things this year. For example the fact that I am going to be working with a total new type of programming not only that but the game will be 3D. Also the facts that Ii guess I can be more organized with my work making the work in the future that I create better than I've ever done before.I have always been a person that admires 3D work and now I have the opportunity to create it, Well you can only imagine how excited I am for this year.


  1. Gosh ! I totally agree with you how fun does 3D programming sound , challenging , but fun . And check your blog again you have little mistakes .


  2. Hello Jenn!

    I admire you're excitement! I can tell you are terribly excited to start this new course. I wish I was as I excited as you, I'm a bit scared and that is why I am not showing so much excitement. It's great how it's your turn to inspire others with your 3-D work. Can't wait to see what you create.

