Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My gaming habits

Honestly I enjoy games such as Guitar Hero because they keep me active and very entertained even though it has some graphics that me parents don't like for me to be looking at,they let me have some of my freedom and my dad likes playing it sometimes so I guess I use that as an excuse.I probably started playing games when I was about 5 but I didn't do it constantly I had my limits and I still do know I cant play for more than an hour and I started playing on a old game my dad had when I was a young boy and gave it to me but know I am playing in a Play station, and yes I do believe that somebody can get addicted to playing games in fact there was a news report that a young 16 year old boy died for playing so many video games it was sad but true and if we don't have limits more cases of these will occur of not worse.

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