Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Jennifer.G #12

The age of stupid is a movie with a strong message, and I don't think that any other movie is as informative as this one.Well this movie is all about how not only our world but we all humans will end up in the future. People supposedly care about how our actions is affecting earth in the way which most people recognize it as global warming. As I was saying people act like if they cared about being green and being part of a change or actually being the change.For example in England people want to get rid of windmills supposedly because the windmills are taking the view and it is just a waist of money but in my opinion if I were to live near a windmill farm I would be really happy because it is not only a great view for me but also I now that it is re using energy.Also did you now that people in America is the main comerism coorporations influence people with other people having fun with things that they do not need so they get double of what they have to make of money If all around the world people would use the same amount of resource as the American residents we would need 4 more earths well we only have 1.one flight to another place takes as much carbon that that same amount is the amount that happen in a home made greenn stylehouse in 3 years. I really think that if we don't take responsibility I think as the earth is slowly being destroyed we also take suicide.

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