Friday, March 5, 2010

Drawing in flash

The first time that I started to use flash and draw in it I felt really good because I new that I was going to achieve something new . I started to use skills that I have never used before for example I started to use flash to make circles,stars,polygons and more other things that I have never heard of or even seen until this day which is six grade.Since I have started on this drawing in flash assignment I have had alot of fun doing this because you get to do sometimes your own things like we had to draw our own little house .We could decorated hpw ever we wnt it was the funnest time that I HAD IN TECHNOLOGY. I have had more times in wich we had to use flash in our game that we are doing about our drug topic.Our drug topic air cuality or pollution in our air.We have been getting and brain storming ideas to get our own thing and finish it all ready.we already finished our flash drawings and upload them to our wiki. I am very happy that I achieved this and hope to be drawing in flash agien.

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